Somehow you've been appointed the unnerving task of selecting the right agency to deliver your company's message effectively. This can be tricky because there's so many to choose from and they all promise marvelous results. So, how do you evaluate them and make a good decision? We'll discuss a total of five tips in this two part series to make sure the "fit" is right for your unique needs.
A reputable agency shouldn't let you enter into this business relationship without knowing what your objectives are. This is probably going to require some homework on your part. Without a definite understanding of your expectations, your agency can't provide you with a clear, strong strategy that's measurable.
"You get what you pay for" certainly rings true in the world of marketing and web development. Trying to cut costs to save a dollar now might not reap as much value in the long-term when it comes to delivering the results you planned for in step one. Research to see what you've spent in the last several years in marketing and advertising. Have those efforts brought a return on your investment, and how much?
Also, remember that larger agencies will most likely charge more than smaller ones because they have more services to offer and higher overhead. Whereas smaller firms are more likely to provide more personalized attention as well as access to their most talented staff and CEO. Your budget will allow them to tailor the correct marketing formulas to your financial plan which could involve implementing it in logical increments. This will give you peace of mind so you don't have to worry about budget creep.
Watch for three more helpful tips in our next blog.